I bought four 2' x 3' foam core boards, trimming them down to exactly the same size. My wonderful husband helped me by trimming (with painter's tape--be careful peeling it off!) and painting the stripes. Then, I covered each panel with Mod Podge. I bought a piece of white poster board, traced a plate, cut it out and drew "POP CORN" inside the circle. I glued the circle to two of the foam boards-- for the front and back of the box. Once they were glued, I colored in the letters. I let that all dry overnight. The next day, I cut out two holes for my arms on the sides opposite the "POP CORN" cirlces. I used hot glue (thanks, Grandma!) and duct tape to attach the sides together. I slightly cheated in buying the popcorn accents from work (thebookbag.com). I hot glued them to the top of the box...and voila! a popcorn box!

This was a very inexpensive and easy project! Just a little time consuming putting it all together. It was fun, though, because I got to work on it with my husband! Thanks for all your help, babe!
Thanks for looking!
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